1:400 Aeroclassics
Israir A320
Air Jamica A300
Air Jamica A300 "Full Color"
JAL DC-8-62F
JAL DC-8-62 Passenger Pair
Iberia DC-10-30
KLM DC-10-30
KLM/Northwest Split DC-10-30
Northwest DC-10-30 "Bowling Shoes color"
Can't find a plane model?
Drop me a note to aeroshophk@gmail.com or by clicking here!
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本店將於9月5日 (星期五) 暫停營業一天, 不便之處敬請見諒.
We are taking a day off on 5 SEPT (FRI). Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
如有查詢, 請電 For inquiries, please call 6032 1986.
We are taking a day off on 5 SEPT (FRI). Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
如有查詢, 請電 For inquiries, please call 6032 1986.
New Arrival 26 Dec 2010 III
1:400 Aeroclassics,
New Arrival
New Arrival 26 Dec 2010 II
1:200 Phoenix,
New Arrival
New Arrival 26 Dec 2010 I
1:400 Phoenix,
New Arrival
是日推介 Today's Pick
Finnair MD-11 Santa Clause

Finland is Santa Clause’s origin, every year hundreds of thousands of letters will be mailed to here. Finnair is the national carrier of Finland. Naturally, they have painted the Santa Clause figure on several of their fleet including the MD-11 and the Airbus A340. This flying Santa Clause fly to different city and brings Santa’s love to the admirer worldwide. This Finnair Santa Clause MD-11 is part of the Advent Calender model set produced by Herpa and is soldout immediately worldwide.
Merry Christmas!
Finland is Santa Clause’s origin, every year hundreds of thousands of letters will be mailed to here. Finnair is the national carrier of Finland. Naturally, they have painted the Santa Clause figure on several of their fleet including the MD-11 and the Airbus A340. This flying Santa Clause fly to different city and brings Santa’s love to the admirer worldwide. This Finnair Santa Clause MD-11 is part of the Advent Calender model set produced by Herpa and is soldout immediately worldwide.
Merry Christmas!
1:500 Herpa,
是日推介 Today's Pick
是日推介 Today's Pick
Swiss A340-300

Swiss is an airline that follows the traditional “Euro White” scheme, however the Company has recently painted one of its A340-300 into this color livery known as the “San Francisco” Color. It is the first colorful scheme introduced by the airlines and it surely stands out in Zurich airport which is dominated by the traditional Euro-white.
Swiss is an airline that follows the traditional “Euro White” scheme, however the Company has recently painted one of its A340-300 into this color livery known as the “San Francisco” Color. It is the first colorful scheme introduced by the airlines and it surely stands out in Zurich airport which is dominated by the traditional Euro-white.
1:400 Phoenix,
是日推介 Today's Pick
是日推介 Today's Pick
Virgin Atlantic B747-400 “Harry Potter”

Virgin Atlantic has once again brought us a refresh colorful livery with the adoption of Mr. Harry Potter livery into one of its Jumbo. This will be the last colorful livery for Virgin Atlantic before the airline introduces its new livery which will be without its British Flag painted on the winglets. Harry Potter fans as well as aviation geek is once again chasing after this exciting bird all over the world. Sadly we will not be able to see this beauty under Hong Kong radar unless Sir Richard Branson changed his mind of deploying 747 to Asia again.
Virgin Atlantic has once again brought us a refresh colorful livery with the adoption of Mr. Harry Potter livery into one of its Jumbo. This will be the last colorful livery for Virgin Atlantic before the airline introduces its new livery which will be without its British Flag painted on the winglets. Harry Potter fans as well as aviation geek is once again chasing after this exciting bird all over the world. Sadly we will not be able to see this beauty under Hong Kong radar unless Sir Richard Branson changed his mind of deploying 747 to Asia again.
1:400 Phoenix,
是日推介 Today's Pick
是日推介 Today's Pick
ANA A320 & A321

Airbus aircraft is a rare model to be seen in Japanese aviation. Due to political reason, Japan’s two major airlines tend to purchase Boeing’s aircraft with the exception of the airbus A320 and A321 which is used by ANA to fly its domestic route. The others being the JAS A300 which has now been flying with JAL after the acquisition.
Airbus aircraft is a rare model to be seen in Japanese aviation. Due to political reason, Japan’s two major airlines tend to purchase Boeing’s aircraft with the exception of the airbus A320 and A321 which is used by ANA to fly its domestic route. The others being the JAS A300 which has now been flying with JAL after the acquisition.
1:400 Aeroclassics,
是日推介 Today's Pick
New Arrival 18 Nov 2010 IV
1:400 Aeroclassics

United DC-7

TAA B727 Old color

TAA B727 New color

Air Canada V700

United DC-6

United DC-6F
United DC-7
TAA B727 Old color
TAA B727 New color
Air Canada V700
United DC-6
United DC-6F
1:400 Aeroclassics,
New Arrival
New Arrival 18 Nov 2010 III
1:400 Phoenix
Royal Jordanian A330-200 "Jordan River"
Turkish Airlines B777-300ER "Manchester United"
Qatar Airways Cargo B777-200LRF
1:400 Phoenix,
New Arrival
New Arrival 18 Nov 2010 II
1:500 Aero 500,
New Arrival
50 Secrets Your Pilot Won't Tell You
We asked 17 pilots from across the country to give us straight answers about maddening safety rules, inexplicable delays, the air and attitudes up there—and what really happens behind the cockpit door. What they told us will change the way you fly.
Plus: 13 Things Your Flight Attendant Won't Tell You
“We miss the peanuts too.” -US Airways pilot, South Carolina
What You Don't Want to Know
“I’m constantly under pressure to carry less fuel than I’m comfortable with. Airlines are always looking at the bottom line, and you burn fuel carrying fuel. Sometimes if you carry just enough fuel and you hit thunderstorms or delays, then suddenly you’re running out of gas and you have to go to an alternate airport.” -Captain at a major airline
“Sometimes the airline won’t give us lunch breaks or even time to eat. We have to delay flights just so we can get food.” -First officer on a regional carrier
For full version, please visit: http://www.rd.com/home-garden/50-secrets-your-pilot-wont-tell-you/article186583.html
Plus: 13 Things Your Flight Attendant Won't Tell You
“We miss the peanuts too.” -US Airways pilot, South Carolina
What You Don't Want to Know
“I’m constantly under pressure to carry less fuel than I’m comfortable with. Airlines are always looking at the bottom line, and you burn fuel carrying fuel. Sometimes if you carry just enough fuel and you hit thunderstorms or delays, then suddenly you’re running out of gas and you have to go to an alternate airport.” -Captain at a major airline
“Sometimes the airline won’t give us lunch breaks or even time to eat. We have to delay flights just so we can get food.” -First officer on a regional carrier
For full version, please visit: http://www.rd.com/home-garden/50-secrets-your-pilot-wont-tell-you/article186583.html
50個飛行秘密 機師唔會講
New Arrival 14 Oct 2010 III
1:400 Others,
New Arrival
New Arrival 14 Oct 2010 II
Soberair B707-300
Soberair B707-300 "Bold Title"
Sabena B707-300
Sabena B707-300 "Small Title"
British Airways A319 "Union Jack"
British Airways A320 "Union Jack"
British Airways A321 "Union Jack"
British Airways A320 "Landor"
1:400 Aeroclassics,
New Arrival
New Arrival 14 Oct 2010 I
TAA B727 "The Nation's Jetline"
TAA B727 "T Jet"
Lloyd Aero Boliviano B727-200
China Southern A321-200
Korean Air B727-200
Tunis Air B727-200
Northeast B727-200 "Yellow Engine"
Northeast B727-200 "Silver Engine"
1:400 Aeroclassics,
New Arrival
慶祝航空百年 波音 787飛越維港

速度快、機身輕巧、被譽為「空中 iPad」的波音 787中型客機,將於明年 3月在本港舉行的亞洲國際航空展覽會亮相,並會展翅飛越維港上空,慶祝香港航空業發展 100周年。
亞洲國際航空展覽會主辦機構昨日宣佈,明年 3月 8至 10日第三次在香港舉行。波音 787屆時會飛越維港,擔任展覽揭開序幕的特別嘉賓。
07年 9月亞洲國際航空展覽會首次在本港舉行,當時全球最大客機 A380型空中巴士,低飛越過維港上空,吸引數以萬計市民及遊客觀賞。
飛行時速達 900公里的波音 787夢幻客機( Dreamliner),每架售價約 11.87億港元。今年 7月在英國航空展亮相時,由於它集多種新技科於一身,被譽為「空中 iPad」。它的主要賣點是 330個座位的客艙相當寬敞,餐車停在走廊一旁,乘客可輕鬆走過;還有勞斯萊斯引擎異常寧靜;碳纖維製造超輕型機體,較一般客機慳油 20%;機上又提供寬頻上網;機窗玻璃調校後會變深色;客機的抗氣流技術更有助平穩飛行,令乘客不易暈機浪。
香港理工大學機械工程系副教授黃俊達博士說,波音 787最特別是機體採用嶄新的強化碳纖維複合物料製造,降低機身重量,大大減少排放二氧化碳,自然減少污染,傳統飛機則以金屬物料製。他指出,美國波音公司出產 787前,對新物料撞擊強度進行嚴格測試,確保達到飛機安全標準。
是日推介 Today's Pick
Pan AM B747-100

Pan American is one of the giant empire in the last decade, it’s the first airline to establish the around the world network. It is also the first airline to operate the first ever Jumbo as a commercial flight. This IF200 Pan AM – Clipper Young America is a very rare model and is sought by collectors all over the world.
Pan American is one of the giant empire in the last decade, it’s the first airline to establish the around the world network. It is also the first airline to operate the first ever Jumbo as a commercial flight. This IF200 Pan AM – Clipper Young America is a very rare model and is sought by collectors all over the world.
1:200 Inflight,
是日推介 Today's Pick
是日推介 Today's Pick
United B777-200 (Let’s fly Together)

The merger between United and Continental is the newest major airliner merger in the airline industry which showed an increasing trend of merger activities among major airlines in this increasing competitive industry. The merger between this two giant immediately make them one of the biggest airlines in the world. Together, they fly to over 350 destinations in 59 countries all over the world. However, in terms of the revised livery, collectors are generally disappointed about the lack of creativity as they just painted the United logo on a Continental jet. Hopefully this will be a interim livery and we shall wait patiently for a more exciting livery introduced at a later date.
The merger between United and Continental is the newest major airliner merger in the airline industry which showed an increasing trend of merger activities among major airlines in this increasing competitive industry. The merger between this two giant immediately make them one of the biggest airlines in the world. Together, they fly to over 350 destinations in 59 countries all over the world. However, in terms of the revised livery, collectors are generally disappointed about the lack of creativity as they just painted the United logo on a Continental jet. Hopefully this will be a interim livery and we shall wait patiently for a more exciting livery introduced at a later date.
1:500 Aero 500,
是日推介 Today's Pick
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