It used to be a regular visitor to VHHH (Hong Kong). Continental airlines has painted one of its B777-200ER into the Peter Max livery. This is one of the most colorful livery in aviation industry and become an eye catching bird for plane spotter.
Let me introduce some of the background for this bird. This Boeing 777 widebodyjet with a spectacular one-of-a-kind exterior design was painted by artist Mr. Peter Max to commemorate NYC 2000, the official millennium celebration for the City of New York. The aircraft features the NYC 2000 logo emblazoned on the side. This innovative flying canvas is a first for world renowned pop artist
Peter Max, whose artwork has enlivened major events including the Super Bowl,
World Cup Soccer and the New York City Marathon among other things.
Commissioned by Continental to design this Boeing 777 in honor of NYC 2000,
the artist blanketed its 209-foot length in bright hues of red, blue, yellow
and orange.
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