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本店將於9月5日 (星期五) 暫停營業一天, 不便之處敬請見諒.

We are taking a day off on 5 SEPT (FRI). Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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是日推介 Today's Pick

Offical CX New Pullback Set + Screen Cleaner and Keyboard Brush Set with Tailormade Acrylic Box

The above two sets already out of stock on CXcitement Shop. Aero Shop now includes a tailormade acrylic box. Let's GRAB a set for your own collection while stock lasts! ACT NOW!

1 comment:


    check this site of 1:500 British Caledonian 747-211B, this was produced by UK, what do you think of it? give a comment on it!!!
